Tuesday 20 November 2012

Yahoo Reserach // Advertising

I took a couple of books out of the library to make a start on strap lines and how they are incorporated into advertising campaigns.

I have found this link with all the past major company straplines / slogans


ADVERTISING - New Techniques for Visual Seduction Uwe Stoklossa, Edited by Thomas Rempen

A few lines from the opening of the book that I thought are important;

Secret seducers are what we cause visual wizards that work in ad agencies...the ideas are developed consciouly and articstically with a view to earning a tiny, inaudble, intimate and admiring round of applause. This is the art which can make advertising so enjoyable, attractive and successful. Sometimes its just workds that makes us feel cheerful, alert, or curious, and tomestimes it's pictures, or it can even be the inexplicaby dyamisn of word and picture compbined, forming a contex that takes  you by surprise. There's a puzzle that needs to be solved, its the second glance that solves the riddle.

If a design is to grab people's attetinon, it must offer something really extrodinary

CREATIVE ADVERTISING - Ideas and Techniques from the World's Best Campaigns, Thames & Hudson

Book Reserach 2

It was this photo which gave me an idea which I have written on my design context blog. It does involve the project being quite photography based but I can do that around Leeds tomorrow (if I get it sorted what I need to take, and London on Thursday or Friday).

The idea was about finding situations where Yahoo woudl be needed and then place some form of the yahoo logo or app logo in the place of what it is. I for this Idea I would need to carefully map out the situations I would need.
I could also develop these photographs on and outline them so there was an exact style to the advert campaign that viewers would be able to identity with Yahoo. I could also put a colour mask (the colour of Yahoo) over the photographs or make them monochrome with the purple as the spot colour in the picture, on the lines of the red dress photo below.

and this photograph which I found on Google. 

I could place the Yahoo logo within an icon similar to this, pinpointing the place / time where the target audience would need Yahoo...as part of their daily routine. Think Yahoo! The idea of this would then to be that if they were then in a situation where they needed information, they would reflect back to the advert and think Yahoo. 

Monochrome photograph with highlighted colour - I would use the purple of the Yahoo. 

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