Tuesday 20 November 2012

Why people still use Yahoo...

I need to find the difference between Google and Yahoo. They are two of the largest search engines but they are very different. I found this response when I was researching the reason on Google which I also agree with.


"Interesting to see other people's views "

Yahoo is much less spammy than Google.

Yahoo!) as their homepage where they have easy 1-click access to daily essentials.

Yahoo Answers are used by many people, you can type in a question and you get a variation of responses from other Yahoo users, they are personal experiences and responses, not a range of links that have the key words you typed into the search Engine...like Google.

The positive difference of Yahoo is that it is personal, believable and closer connected. Personal experiences are can be more influential that a website on the topic you are searching, because who knows if the website you find is believable / trustworthy, however if you are provided with a series of responses from other people which have a general answer or even two sides of opinions, you are provided with a bigger picture which can help it being unbiased and more trustworthy.

This is only for the Answers part of Yahoo, I still need to find out more to make this the basis of my strapline / concept.

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